5 Tips On How Tp Prep For Your Lightening Service

5 Tips On How Tp Prep For Your Lightening Service

Preparation for your hair appointments is everything… and here’s how we’d recommend doing it!


1. Shampoo Strategically


As your appointment gets closer your wash routine is vital. Cleaning up your scalp and nourishing your locks is a great primer for your color service. Use your best-strengthening shampoo starting 3 weeks prior while interchanging a detox shampoo once a week as you start. We would recommend starting with the Ultimate Reset Shampoo & Ultimate Reset Conditioner. This duo is perfect for removing impurities and restoring hydration to the scalp and hair strands! After you work this shampoo and conditioner into your wash routine, you can interchange your shampoo with K18 Peptide Prep. This will help prepare your hair for your color service by detoxifying your scalp, removing product buildup, and adding a protective shield to reduce protein loss so that your hair can be strong!


2. Come In Clean And Dry


While this is only half our martini order, this is the best state to have your hair in on your appointment day. Freshly clean and dry. This tip is pretty self-explanatory, but trust us, all the treatments are coming your way during your appointment!


3. Prep And Detangle


For our guests with naturally wavy or curly patterned hair, we recommend coming in with your hair freshly cleaned, detangled, and dry. This benefits the initial steps of your appointment so that your desired results happen quickly and seamlessly! Our team loves the Ultimate Reset Hair Mask for the smoothing-out process. This is a color-safe treatment for your locks that will repair, strengthen, and prime your hair for your appointment. 🥂


4. Get Inspired


The cliche “a picture is worth 1000 words” is true in this instance. Dive into @indigochilddallas on Instagram to find your stylist’s page and come in with 2-3 photos showing your hair color desires. We love to see what you love and make it happen!


5. Bring The Essentials


Your color appointment will take some time. Whether you’re getting a full or partial service feel free to bring your work, entertainment with headphones, and/or snacks to your appointment. We want to make space for you to relax and get a luxurious head massage or still get your work done if you’re OTG.

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